1. Professional Certification Courses → Business Continuity

BCM801 Effective Business Continuity & Resiliency Management (BCM801)

This is our Certificate in Effective Business Continuity and Resiliency Management online course. It is equivalent to our 3-day, in-person course BCM-801. It includes the BCMP (Business Continuity Management Planner) exam and designation for free ($ 500 value).

This course is intended for someone who would like a 21st century approach to learning about BCM using the recently revised International BCM Standard ISO 22301.

Our Certificate in Effective Business Continuity and Resiliency Management is recommended for anyone who needs a thorough grounding in the principles and methodologies of Business Continuity Planning.

This course is accredited by the National Institute for Business Continuity Management (https://www.NIBCM.net) and leads to their professional designation of Business Continuity Management Planner (BCMP) designation, as well as our Certificate in Business Continuity & Resiliency Management.

Plus, our Success Guarantee includes the promise that should you not pass the BCMP exam in the first try - for any reason, no questions asked - IBCT will pay for any subsequent attempts until you do succeed.

The course is comprised of 21 lessons, of which the first 17 address the PLAN-DO-CHECK-ACT management systems lifecycle of ISO 22301, and the additional 4 mini-lessons address other topics relevant to any study of business continuity planning. Participants normally have 6 months from the date of registration to complete the course and take the BCMP exam (although most get it done much quicker than that). The course also provides asynchronous interaction with the course instructor for assignments and any questions that may arise.
  • Welcome to the Course
  • Lesson 1 Welcome to the Course
  • Lesson 2 BCM Standards
  • Lesson 3 What is in a BCP?
  • - Download L&C Bank Draft BC Plan
  • Welcome - Practice Quiz
  • PLAN
  • Lesson 4 PLAN (Context of the Organization)
  • Lesson 5 PLAN (Leadership)
  • Lesson 6 PLAN (Planning)
  • Lesson 7 PLAN (Support (Awareness & Training))
  • Lesson 8 PLAN (Support (Crisis Communications))
  • Plan - Practice Quiz
  • DO
  • Lesson 9 DO (Operational Planning/Business Impact Analysis)
  • Lesson 10 DO (Collecting BIA Data)
  • Lesson 11 DO (Risk Assessment)
  • Lesson 12 DO (Business Continuity Strategies and Solutions)
  • Lesson 13 DO (BC Plans and Procedures)
  • Lesson 14 DO (BC Recovery Procedures)
  • Lesson 15 DO (Exercising/Testing)
  • Do - Practice Quiz
  • Lesson 16 CHECK (Evaluating/Auditing your BCMS)
  • Check - Practice Quiz
  • ACT
  • Lesson 17 ACT (Continual Improvement)
  • Act - Practice Quiz
  • Lesson 18 Disaster Recovery Planning
  • Lesson 19 CyberSecurity
  • Lesson 20 Pandemic Planning
  • Lesson 21 Certifying your Organization to ISO 22301
  • BCMP Mockup Exam
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed